Potsticker Soup // @dcgirlinpearls

Potsticker Soup ready in minutes + loaded with vegetables - DC Girl in Pearls You know when you're going going nonstop and then the moment you finally pause...BAM! You get sidelined with the flu. Thanks to my flu shot, it wasn't the full-blown flu but not exactly a picnic. I flew back to DC for New Year's Eve to an empty fridge and knew I needed to suck it up and brave the grocery store with the sniffles + coughing. Side note: Nothing's a bigger reality check that you're no longer in the suburbs than riding the Metro with 2 bulging Trader Joe's bags. At Trader Joe's, it was complete chaos. So naturally, I went to the wine section first to get a bottle (okay, three, I panicked with all the chaos) of Prosecco. Now the important stuff was taken care of, I had to think about what to make for dinner. I toyed with the idea of chicken noodle soup for my sore throat but I knew cooking chicken wasn't in the cards for me. I wanted something I could make quickly to maximize the amount of time spent curled up in my fuzziest throw blanket. Then it hit me: potstickers. With the checkout line winding around 3 aisles, I grabbed the ingredients from the non-line aisles and felt pretty clever getting into line and grabbing the ingredients as we moved forward. Everything was going swimmingly until I reached the wine aisle with no potstickers in sight. The key ingredient. The star of the recipe was missing. So yes, I was that girl at checkout who went darting back in a quest for potstickers. All's well that ends well. And this potsticker soup recipe was well worth it! Potsticker Soup ready in minutes + loaded with vegetables - DC Girl in Pearls potstickers in a low-sodium broth joint. I added Sriracha because...do I really need to give a reason at this point? Go crazy and add some more greens like shaved brussels sprouts. Now that I'm thinking about brussels sprouts, I really want to make this dish again just to add those li'l sprouts. Make a big pot of potsticker soup, grab your fuzziest blanket and watch the entire first season of Friends in 24 hours. Not that I did that. Potsticker Soup ready in minutes + loaded with vegetables - DC Girl in Pearls


2 containers Low Sodium Chicken Broth (Or vegetable) 1 container Trader Joe's Mirepoix (A mixture of diced carrots, onions + celery) 1 bag Spinach 1 bag Trader Joe's Vegetable Gyoza 1 tablespoon Trader Joe's Toasted Sesame Oil 1 tablespoon Trader Joe's Soyaki Sauce Chopped scallions for garnish Sriracha (Optional)


1. In a large saucepan, heat up approximately 3 tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat. Add the mirepoix and stir occasionally until the onion pieces become translucent. Add both containers of broth and bring to a simmer.
 2. In a skillet, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat (deja vu). Add the potstickers and cook until golden brown, turning over once to ensure even browning.
 3. Once the broth is bubbling, toss in the spinach, toasted sesame oil and soyaki sauce. Stir to mix the ingredients and drop in the cooked potstickers. Garnish with scallions + Sriracha and enjoy!

 Note: If you want to store the soup in the fridge, separate the potstickers from the broth so they don't break down.

Healthy Tacos // by Mary Shirley

Healthy Lettuce Wrap Tacos-2 Hi! This is Mary with Love of Veggies, previously Gold Layer Cake. Weeknight dinners are usually thrown together pretty quickly, and I make every effort to keep them as healthy as possible. Sometimes you just want a taco, but you don't want to ruin the workout you just spent the last hour sweating for. Maybe thats just me. I made a healthified taco, and I'll have to admit I didn't miss the taco shell. I used Romaine Lettuce Hearts as the taco shell. The lettuce held all the ingredients pretty well or at least as well as a taco shell usually holds up. The lettuce had the crunch, just like a taco shell, but it just left the taco tasting fresh and allowed more focus on the taco fillings. I did add a little bit of Trader Joe's Spicy Soy & Flaxseed Tortilla chips on top. These tacos could easily be made into a vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, or meat lovers version. Check out the recipe at my blog Love of Veggies. Healthy Lettuce Wrap Tacos-2 Healthy Lettuce Wrap Tacos-2  
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